Digital v/s Edition Prints

by Manjula Padmanabhan in DEFINITIONS
Some of you will know what Limited Edition Prints are. For those who don’t, a very rough description is: prints that have been created in very small editions by manual rather than mass-production processes.* 
There’s a great deal more to be said about edition prints, but the point I want to make is, only the images in the gallery entitled “Limited Edition Prints” are prints of this kind. If you buy one of these, it’ll be packed and shipped by me.
By contrast, the three “Digital” galleries feature photo-mechanical prints. Though I’ve not hand-printed them, they are all reproductions of my original artwork. Most of them are
from drawings in pen-and-ink made within the past year and a half. Some
of them are in black and white, some are new versions of the original black-n-white drawings that I have added to be colouring them and adding text.

Many of the images featured here include a “copyright” text that runs right across the picture. That text will NOT appear on the printed versions. They’re just for these online views. Smaller versions of the copyright text are tucked discretely within the digital prints, but they don’t in any way obscure the picture.
*An “edition” is the total number of prints made of each image. Individual prints within an edition have their own numbers. Each print is signed by the artist. They’re considered to be originals and they have a market value that will fluctuate with the artist’s fortunes, in the same way as a painting.